In-Home ABA Therapy for Delaware
Autism can manifest in a child being unwilling to change routines and discomfort with the unknown, and ABA Therapy can be an incredible tool for introducing flexibility. Your home, where your child feels safest, is one of the best environments for experiencing ABA therapy. That’s why ABA Centers of Delaware offers in-home ABA therapy as a convenient and practical option for many families.
In the comfort of a familiar environment, our therapists can observe your child and gather the necessary information to help them succeed while eliminating barriers and reducing anxiety.

ABA In-Home Therapy Advantages
Most learning begins at home years before school, including such essential skills as:
- Eating
- Dressing
- Toileting
- Communicating
- Managing behavior
- Sharing (games, attention, etc.)
In-home therapists can observe how your child interacts in their preferred environment and craft an individualized plan based on their strengths and weaknesses.
Additionally, ABA therapy in the home allows parents to take a more prepared role in their child’s life. They can watch and learn from the lessons, implementing ABA therapy in future situations. These methods can help your child curb unhelpful behaviors and help you prepare them for life outside the home.
What Can You Expect from ABA Therapy at Home?
Where your child feels safest is where they will demonstrate who they are fundamentally and express themselves honestly. ABA therapy at home helps build on a child’s innate strengths and teaches them how to overcome weaknesses. Simultaneously, it forms a stronger family bond. Parents and siblings benefit from improved communication and basic activities like playing a game together as the therapy focuses family interactions.
During at-home ABA therapy, the whole family can participate in the remarkable process of development and growth. Many parents have found that one of the most significant benefits of in-home ABA therapy is creating a more loving and nurturing environment for everyone by strengthening their support network. In-home ABA therapy encourages other family members, such as aunts, cousins, and grandparents, to actively engage in your child’s journey.
ABA Therapy in a Center vs. ABA Therapy at Home
The advantages of in-home therapy vs. clinic-based therapy include reduced travel times, better adjusting to your schedule, and the comfort of watching progress happen in front of your eyes. While in-center therapy familiarizes your child with an environment where they can explore the world independently and meet new people, we realize this is only ideal for some.
The home environment can be busy and complex, and autism affects all aspects of your child’s life. We aim for positive experiences that make your life and your child’s experience more manageable.